Our assignment is to design a promotional piece for the Midtown Greenway Coalition, which is a non-profit organization that develops and maintains gardens and nature along the Greenway path. The promotional piece must inform about the Greenway and explain how to get involved. Because the Coalition is non-profit, they do not want a formal "corporate" feel in the promotional piece. It must also be easily reproduced. This is the ROUGH draft of the cover. I wanted to create a bright cover that would grab someone's attention amongst a pile of white, bland envelopes in the mail. This mailer is going to be an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper printed on both sides, folded in half and sealed with a sticker. The flowers are "drawn" in to represent how the community can make the Greenway more beautiful. It contrasts with the photographic quality of the image in the background to distinguish the present (planting and gardening) from the future (the flowers that will grow from the help of volunteers). Still a rough draft, just to get the concept on paper.