Saturday, February 2, 2008

BOOK REVIEW personal critique

These are the slides from my final presentation of the Advertising Design and Typography book. I ended up scanning the title page for the background of my slides and deleting the ugly white bar. The final slide turned out exactly how I wanted them to, except the typeface could have been bolder and had more significance in the slides. The slides after the first page are less saturated than the title page so focus would be on the images and text and not the background. I did not put much text on the slides because they don't get read much, and I tried to explain everything during the presentation so that I didn't need to have a lot of words on the slides. I think the book page on the Weaknesses slide could have been smaller because it draws too much attention being so large and of to the side. I also included enlarged images on separate slides with black backgrounds so the image could be seen clearly. I think the enlarged images worked well in the presentation, but I probably could have explained them better during the presentation. But, overall I'm happy with the presentation.

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